Research misconduct: ‘alive and well’

BMJ research misconduct survey results are released today online and were discussed at the BMJ meeting today on research misconduct.

Sara Schroter, senior researcher, at the BMJ sent an email to 9,036 authors and reviewers on the BMJ database of which 2,782 (31%) replied.

The results show that 13% have witnessed or have had first-hand knowledge of UK based scientists or doctors inappropriately adjusting, eluding altering or fabricating data during their research or for the purpose of publication. Six percent were aware of any cases of possible research misconduct at their institution, that in their view, have not been properly investigated.

Rewards and incentives to conduct research occur at the individual, institutional, national and company level, and misconduct occurS at all of these levels. In a previous survey of 3,247 US researchers, 16% admitted to altering design, methodology or results of their studies due to pressure of an external funding source. In addition, researchers involved with industry were more likely to report one or more of ten serious misbehaviours, to have engaged in misconduct and less likely to report financial conflicts.

As the BMJ survey shows research misconduct is ‘alive and well’.